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About Debunk EU About elves Disinformation
Pergyvename pirmąją pasaulinio informacinio karo fazę, galinčio peraugti į konfliktą, paremtą informacinių technologijų panaudojimu griaunant mūsų valstybę. Tai beprecedentis karas dėl naujų technologijų, informacinės agresijos masto, finansavimo apimties, destrukcinių tikslų. Mums nepavyks jo išvengti, tad domėkimės ir DEMASKUOKIME priešo pinkles. PETRAS VAITIEKŪNAS Buvęs užsienio reikalų ministras, 2010–2014 LR ambasadorius Ukrainoje
Žiniasklaida yra vienas patraukliausių informacinio ir kibernetinio karo objektų – būtent per jas greitai galima paskleisti melą, dezinformaciją, pasėti paniką. Todėl „Demaskuok“ iniciatyva yra svarbus žiniasklaidos indėlis į visuomenės atsparumo ir pilietinės brandos skatinimą bei visų mūsų saugumo stiprinimą. RAIMUNDAS KAROBLIS Lietuvos Respublikos krašto apsaugos ministras

Debunking disinformation together!

“Debunk EU” is an independent technological analytical centre and an NGO, whose main task is to research disinformation in the public space and execute educational media literacy campaigns.

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Asset 2 Dalia Grybauskaitė. The President of the Republic of Lithuania The propaganda war, which all the world is currently undergoing, is no less dangerous than that with real bullets. The lies are poisoning people’s minds and hearts, they are trampling down our trust in each other and they imprison us in fear. Yet, the lies are coming not only from the outside but also from the inside. There have been attempts to rewrite our country’s history, to derogate the heroes of our nation, to despise democracy and the right as such. Therefore, I welcome the journalists’ initiative to unite all the forces and to help clearing away the mist of propaganda. I also encourage resisting not only propaganda of the hostile outside forces but also that coming from the inside. Asset 2 Viktoras Pranckietis. Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. I support legitimate and clean media, which all of us could trust; facts and data provided by which were certain while assessments were made from different points of view. The problem is obvious and delicate; we have to talk about it loudly and clearly, we have to develop a critical look. Today, in the background of the unlimited technological potential and the access to information, fake news is a serious weapon against democracy. I sincerely believe in this project and that after joining different forces, our society will become more resistant during this information battle. Asset 2 Saulius Skvernelis. The Prime Minister of Lithuania There is no place for lies and propaganda in Lithuania. I give thanks to all the socially oriented people in Lithuania for their determination to fight against the information warfare and falsehood campaigns. We have facts and arguments on our side. Let’s use them. Asset 2 Raimundas Karoblis. Minister of National Defence of Lithuania The media is one of the most attractive targets for the information warfare and cyberattacks as it immediately allows to spread lies and disinformation as well as to cause panic. Therefore, the Demaskuok initiative is an important contribution into the immunity of the society, which encourages our civil maturity as well as reinforces our security.

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